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GuidelinesSubmission of papers for the book of selected papers presented at ERIDOB 2024
The deadline: The deadline for submission of papers is October 1st, 24:00 (CET). The format: Precise details of the required format, with examples, are given below. Before submitting your paper please complete the following checklist for yourself (which you do not need to send in with your paper):
GUIDANCE ON FORMATTING YOUR PAPERNumber of pages Papers should have a maximum of 12 pages, 5000 words, including abstract, references, figures, tables, etc. AbstractPlease provide an abstract of 200 words maximum. Section headingsFirst-, second-, third-, and fourth-order headings should be clearly numbered. Please see example below. 1. Introduction bold 1 line space The teaching of ecology to pupils (15 to 18 years old) taking secondary curricula in schools of the French Ministry of Agriculture started in 1990 (Baradat-Bouillier- Oudot, 1999). The objective was to give future agricultural professionals a better understanding of the environmental framework within which they would be working and a better appreciation of environmental questions. This development was stimulated by European regulations favouring sustainable agriculture … 2 line space 2. Research design and method bold1 line space 2.1 The teachers knowledge of ecology boldIs the teachers’ knowledge close to the actual “scientific knowledge” (i.e. the evolutionary approach)? Thirty three biology-ecology teachers were asked to answer a questionnaire at the beginning of their training (Table 1). They were selected at national level; 10 were recruited in 1998-1999 and the remaining 23 in 1999-2000 … 1 line space 2.2 The knowledge ‘to be taught’ boldIn order to determine whether the knowledge ‘to be taught’, represented by institutional curricula, is closely linked to the actual ecological theories, two curricula were analysed: … Etc Technical layoutPlease use single-spacing for all material, including references. Type: Please use Times New Roman point 12. When no bold or italics are indicated, please use the regular type. Paper title: Capitals, bold, aligned center. E.g: THE TEACHING OF ECOLOGY IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECONDARY CURRICULA IN FRANCE: A NEW DIDACTIC APPROACHNo footnotes, please. For tables use a word processor. Please use table menu, not space bar or tabs. No indentation, please. Bibliography should be written as REFERENCES (centred and bold caps). Entries in alphabetical order following the APA style: References must be complete, containing the author's initials and all relevant publication data. In the case of references to papers presented at a meeting, the full title of the paper, when and where it was presented, and the name of the sponsoring society must be given. Please follow the instructions provided for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching. See examples below: Journal: Hofstein, A., & Lunetta, V. N. (2004). The laboratory in science education: Foundations for the twenty first century. Science Education, 88(1), 28-45. Edited Book: Yore, L. D. (2004). Why do future scientists need to study the language arts? In E. W. Saul (Ed.), Crossing borders in literacy and science instruction: Perspectives on theory and practice (pp. 71-94). Newark, DE: International Reading Association. |
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